
Adam Czech Republic is a civic association.

It was registered by the Czech Ministry of the Interior in Prague, on July 4, 2010.

Identification number (IČO): 228 66 060


The goal of activity of the Association is

a)      education in the area of protection of reproduction health;

b)      psychosocial and information support to people suffering from fertility disorders;

c)      protection of interests of persons having difficulties with fulfilment of parental desires.


The Association shall achieve the above stated goals through

d)      its own web,

e)      issue of printed materials,

f)        media activities,

g)      organizing of educational events,

h)      exchanging and acquisition of experience and information at conferences,

i)        activities in similarly oriented non-profit organizations (e.g. Fertility Europe, International Consumer Support for Infertility, European Patient’s Forum),

j)        participation in proceedings related to changes of organization of treatment of fertility disorders and organization of foster family care (change of laws related to the relevant issues, change of payment of therapy),

k)      cooperation with the Maternity Hope Foundation (Nadace Mateřská Naděje).

Last edited 05.06.2011 21:59.