Demographic statistics
According to Wikipedia, demography – from demos (people) and graféin (to write, describe) – is the statistical study of human populations. It thus studies people, their reproductive habits, the natural process of population growth (or decline), births and deaths. Demographic processes include mortality, illness, birth rates, abortion and miscarriage rates, marriages and divorces. I thank Tomáš Sobotka from the Vienna Institute of Demography for his help in reading through demographic data from around the world.
Naturally, I am most interested in birth rates and fertility. But I was shocked to learn that although men are included into mortality rates and illness, when it comes to birth rates and fertility, there’s nary a peep about us guys. It’s all about women! You could almost get the idea that the whole issue has been hijacked by the girls from gender studies, who are planning something along the lines of the great Polish comedy Sexmission. You can find the whole film (with English subtitles, split up into 14 parts) on Youtube.
I’ve been trying for some time now to get a hold of a demographer in order to convince him to change birth rates to number of births per man (after all, I’ve got a leading demographer on my staff), but it is clear that any such attempt will take much longer than I would like it to: demographers don’t have time for guys, because they count birth rates for women. Fine. So I’ll at least offer the available information on female reproduction, divided into the following sections: Birth rates in Europe and Birth rates in America. The American section also contains worldwide data.